Project 4: ISBN Check With Loops

Modify your previous ISBN project so that the user may check as many ISBNs as they want, and they also can make repeated errors when entering the digits.

What you need to do

Modify your project 2 with the following enhancements:

Sample Interaction

Digit 1? 1
Digit 2? 5
Digit 3? 8
Digit 4? 2
Digit 5? 6
Digit 6? 1
Digit 7? 6
Digit 8? 8
Digit 9? 4
Last digit of ISBN should be 1.
Do you want to check another ISBN (type yes or no)? yes

Digit 1? 0
Digit 2? 6
Digit 3? 8
Digit 4? 8
Digit 5? -1
Bad digit, re-enter please.
Digit 5? 99
Bad digit, re-enter please.
Digit 5? 0
Digit 6? 6
Digit 7? 6
Digit 8? 7
Digit 9? -8
Bad digit, re-enter please.
Digit 9? 8
Last digit of ISBN should be X.
Do you want to check another ISBN (type yes or no)? no
Your code does not have to follow this exact script verbatim, but all the mentioned functionality should be there: asking for digits, printing the check digit, and not allowing digits out of range to be entered.


You will need to use one or more while loops in your code.

What to turn in

Through Moodle, turn in your code as a file called