Project 7: Wheel of Fortune

You will write a program to two people play a simplified game of Wheel of Fortune. Wheel of Fortune is a game-show variation on the traditional word game hangman. Watch this video for about two minutes to see how the game goes if you've never seen it before. In this simplified version, Player 1 will pick a secret phrase, and Player 2 will guess letters until they have guessed every letter in the phrase.

Here are the details:

What you need to do

You must write a program that will prompt the user to enter a secret phrase, then let "player 2" (in reality, you will play for both players) guess letters until they win.

You must follow these steps:

You may assume everything typed in by the players is in lowercase.

You may assume that the player's money value is allowed to drop into the negatives (if they buy too many vowels). A challenge problem (see below) is to prevent this.

Sample Interaction

(What the user types is in bold.)
(Program begins)
Enter a phrase: too hot to hoot

Puzzle is: ___ ___ __ ____
You have 0 dollars so far.
Consonants are worth 4 dollars.
Enter a letter: t

There are 4 t's.
You get 16 dollars.

Puzzle is: t__ __t t_ ___t
You have 16 dollars so far.
Consonants are worth 57 dollars.
Enter a letter: a

Letter not in the puzzle.

Puzzle is: t__ __t t_ ___t
You have 16 dollars so far.
Consonants are worth 46 dollars.
Enter a letter: o

You bought a vowel for 10 dollars each.
There are 6 o's.
You spend 60 dollars.

Puzzle is: too _ot to _oot
You have -44 dollars so far.
Consonants are worth 8 dollars.
Enter a letter: h

There are 2 h's.
You get 16 dollars.

You win!
You won -28 dollars total!
The phrase was too hot to hoot.
(Program ends)
Another sample run:
(Program begins)
Enter a phrase: rhodes college

Puzzle is: ______ _______
You have 0 dollars so far.
Consonants are worth 30 dollars.
Enter a letter: l

There are 2 l's.
You get 60 dollars.

Puzzle is: ______ __ll___
You have 60 dollars so far.
Consonants are worth 11 dollars.
Enter a letter: c

There are 1 c's.
You get 11 dollars.

Puzzle is: ______ c_ll___
You have 71 dollars so far.
Consonants are worth 98 dollars.
Enter a letter: r

There are 1 r's.
You get 98 dollars.

Puzzle is: r_____ c_ll___
You have 169 dollars so far.
Consonants are worth 36 dollars.
Enter a letter: h

There are 1 h's.
You get 36 dollars.

Puzzle is: rh____ c_ll___
You have 205 dollars so far.
Consonants are worth 22 dollars.
Enter a letter: e

You bought a vowel for 10 dollars each.
There are 3 e's.
You spend 30 dollars.

Puzzle is: rh__e_ c_lle_e
You have 175 dollars so far.
Consonants are worth 69 dollars.
Enter a letter: g

There are 1 g's.
You get 69 dollars.

Puzzle is: rh__e_ c_llege
You have 244 dollars so far.
Consonants are worth 36 dollars.
Enter a letter: o

You bought a vowel for 10 dollars each.
There are 2 o's.
You spend 20 dollars.

Puzzle is: rho_e_ college
You have 224 dollars so far.
Consonants are worth 89 dollars.
Enter a letter: d

There are 1 d's.
You get 89 dollars.

Puzzle is: rhode_ college
You have 313 dollars so far.
Consonants are worth 8 dollars.
Enter a letter: s

There are 1 s's.
You make 8 dollars.

You won 321 dollars!
The phrase was rhodes college.
(Program ends)

What to turn in

Through Moodle, turn in your code as a file called

Challenge Problems