You should understand and know the proper usage of the following for Exam 1: * C++ syntax including if/else-if/else, while, do/while, continue, break * C++ built-in data types (int, float, double, char, etc) * Declaring and calling functions including passing parameters by value and by reference, and returning values * The generic filtering and transforming algorithms * The generic minimum and maximum algorithms * The linear search algorithm * Declaring and properly using: * C++ arrays * Vectors * Strings and chars * Structs * Reading from files In general, I will not penalize you for syntactical mistakes in your code as long as the mistakes are not egregious, do not indicate any conceptual misunderstanding, and the question is not specifically asking about syntax. For instance, using a comma where a semicolon is supposed to go will normally not cost you any points. On the other hand, if you need to write a for loop and you use Python's for loop syntax, that suggests you don't understand how a C++ for loop works, so that will probably cost you. Lastly, if your syntax (or your handwriting, for that matter) is so bad that I can't figure out what you're trying to say, then I usually can't give much credit in that situation. I commonly ask questions involving writing code to solve a problem, or reading code and figuring out what it does. I also may ask questions about general computer science concepts, or algorithms to solve a particular problem. You will be given the vector and string handouts as references during the test.