COMP 142: Coding Style

Just like when writing in English, using good style when writing in a programming language is important because it helps you and other people read your code. Easily-readable code is important for you so you can maintain it (update it later), and for other people so they can figure out what it does as easily as possible, and possibly change it.

In this class, when writing in C++, you should follow these coding style guidelines:

General style


Indentation and curly braces

Variable and function names

The honor pledge

Because we are writing complex programs, it is not uncommon to get stuck. However, as the syllabus states, all homework assignments you complete outside of class must be entirely your own work, with the exception of help from the instructor, tutors, or other people while respecting the "Rules for Completing Assignments Independently" (see the syllabus).

I'm asking everyone to please include the honor pledge in the comments at the top of your programs indicating you have conformed to the request to work individually. (See the example above for the text to include.)