There is a video with more detailed instructions.
The cost to subscribe is set at $67; any applicable returning student discounts will be applied automatically. The student subscriptions will be valid through 05/25/17.
Talk to Professor Kirlin if you need to buy the book through the Rhodes bookstore because of financial aid or scholarship reasons.
First, do the corresponding reading for the assignment. Don't just skip to the exercises. Note that some sections of the book are marked as optional and will not have exercises assigned from them.
Zybook assignments will often have you completing both "Participation" (P) and "Challenge" (C) exercises. If an assignment specifies P&C, you need to complete both types of exercises. Sometimes I will specify only one type or the other.
Every assignment has a due date and time. You should complete all of the exercises specified by the due date.
For example, if an assignment asked for Zybook P&C 1.2-1.6, 1.11, and 2.1-2.4, this means you should complete both the participation and challenge exercises for sections 1.2 through 1.6, and section 1.11, and sections 2.1 through 2.4.