Database Homework #4, Fall 2016

In this homework assignment, you will create a new version of the Flask blog application you did during our Flask lab. This new version of the Flask blog allows you to post to the blog using a specific username and password. You can see the final product at this link.

Step 1

Finish the Flask lab if you haven't already. Everything you learn during this lab is the basis for this homework assignment.

You can complete the lab by following the steps at the lab webpage. See me during office hours if you have any questions.

Step 2

In this step, you will get set up with the new Flask app.

Step 3

From the command line, run "flask init" then "flask populate" to make sure the database connections are working correctly. This will create a fresh version of blog.db, which you can then view in your SQLite browser, if you want to.

Step 4

You will need to modify, along with the templates in the templates folder, to add the following capabilities (I suggest doing them in the order listed below):

Step 5

When you are all done, zip up the entire blog2 directory and upload it to Moodle.