You can complete the lab by following the steps at the lab webpage. See me during office hours if you have any questions.
drop table if exists entries; drop table if exists users; create table users ( username varchar(80) primary key not null, password varchar(80) not null ); create table entries ( id integer primary key not null, username varchar(80) not null, date datetime not null, title varchar(80) not null, content text not null, foreign key (username) references users(username) );
insert into users(username, password) values ('alice', 'aaa'); insert into users(username, password) values ('bob', 'bbb'); insert into entries(username, date, title, content) values ('alice', datetime('now', '-10 days', 'localtime'), 'Alice''s first post', 'This is my first post. I am Alice. It is exciting!'); insert into entries(username, date, title, content) values ('bob', datetime('now', '-7 days', 'localtime'), 'Bob''s first post', 'This is Bob''s first post. I like this blog.'); insert into entries(username, date, title, content) values ('alice', datetime('now', '-6 days', 'localtime'), 'Alice''s second post', 'This is the text of Alice''s second post'); insert into entries(username, date, title, content) values ('bob', datetime('now', '-5 days', 'localtime'), 'Bob''s second post', 'This is the text of Bob''s second post'); insert into entries(username, date, title, content) values ('alice', datetime('now', '-4 days', 'localtime'), 'Alice''s third post', 'This is the text of Alice''s third post'); insert into entries(username, date, title, content) values ('bob', datetime('now', '-3 days', 'localtime'), 'Bob''s third post', 'This is the text of Bob''s third post'); insert into entries(username, date, title, content) values ('alice', datetime('now', '-2 days', 'localtime'), 'Alice''s fourth post', 'This is the text of Alice''s 4th post'); insert into entries(username, date, title, content) values ('bob', datetime('now', '-1 days', 'localtime'), 'Bob''s fourth post', 'This is the text of Bob''s 4th post');