IVI: Modeling Schenkerian Analysis
My current project, IVI (pronounced like the vine) is about studying the process of Schenkerian analysis, which is a type of music analysis that illustrates how the musical objects in a piece of music relate to each other. Specifically, people perform this type of analysis by identifying hierarchical relationships among the notes and chords in a composition, illustrating the function of notes by relating them to surrounding notes. This set of relationships, taken collectively, illuminates the inner workings of a composition by viewing the piece as a set of successive elaborations of a fundamental background structure.
My work in this area uses probabilistic models to represent an analysis. I have uncovered statistically significant patterns in the way people perform Schenkerian analysis (Kirlin and Jensen, 2011) and demonstrated a way to produce an algorithm capable of analyzing new music in a Schenkerian fashion (Kirlin, 2014).
I have a data set of Schenkerian analyses encoded in a textual format available for those who are interested.
MARPLE: Theme Finding
VoiSe: Voice Segregation

Java MusicXML Reader and Music Manipulator